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Day 34 - End of our wuhan Journey, Home Sweet Home

Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:05 PM

(17th Oct 2010)
The day to bid goodbye has finally come.
This is going to be the last blog post.
A mixed feelings for me, for everyone.

Early in the morning,
All of us got ready to set off to the airport.
(But i guess our hearts are not ready to leave yet)

Before we set off,
Edward and me went to find xixi,
a friend that we made in the salon.
She's kind enough to wake up early in the morning,
and style our hair for free,
before we leave this place.

 XiXi and Edward
 XiXi and Me(:
We gathered at the first floor,
with our luggages ready.

Hanhui, are you really that happy to go home?
 Our luggages!!!WOAH!
 After putting all our luggages, it's time to go.
We took a hour plus journey to airport.
I guess we are already very used to long hours bus ride by now.

And we're finally here, at the airport

Team E
 Me with my air tickets

It's time to board the plane now!

Our luggages are packed and ready to fly home with us(:
From the time we left the wuhan's airport at around 1pm,
we finally reached Singapore at 10.30pm
A total of near to 9 and a half hour of journey back home.

It's time to bid farewell to my Awesome team mates,
Thanks for everything for the past 5 weeks.

I knew someday, somewhere, we are going to meet again.
 Final group photos before we part...

Summary Reflection

Until now,
I couldn't believe 5 weeks, 34 days had passed so quickly,
our OIP wuhan trip has already ended.

Walking down my memory lane,
I totally agreed that,
time past flies, especially when you're having fun.
Being away from home fror 5 weeks,
is something that i have never done before.
Staying with my friends for so long,
is a whole new experience for me.
I have learnt how to live more independently,
and appreciate what my parents had done for me.
In wuhan, i have to wash my own laundry.
Sometimes after a long day out,
i was too tired and lazy to do anything.
Hence dragging the time,
until i ends up washing laundry 3am in the morning.

5 weeks stay in wuhan had also taught me how to be more money conscious.
We need to plan our spending of money well over the 5 weeks.
Otherwise, we will be left penniless for the last few days of the trip.

I had to say,
I am going to miss everything in wuhan.
The food.
The weather.
The people.
Blogging everyday
Eating with my friends

I am already missing 番茄炒蛋 and 铁板牛肉,
the all times favourites.
I couldn't emphasise more on how wonderful this trip is.If i ever got the chance to be involved in such trip,
My answer would be YES YES YES!

I would like to take this chance,
and thanks all who had been with me for the past 5 weeks.
Jia Li (Cherry)
Liang Xun ("Cousin")
Shi Ling
Zhen Zhao
Weilin (Badminton mate)
Hao Teng (Mr Nice Guy)
Yu Haw
Yu Chuan (Mr Cuteeeeee)
Sheila (Camera woman! Thanks for taking wonderful pics!)

Special thanks to my Room Mates:
Jamie & Joanna
(Thanks for taking care of me for the past 5 weeks^^)
Million Thanks to my AWESOME Team Mates ( TEAM E!)
(Leader - Did her part to take good care of us)Houng Sheng
(Asst. Leader - Being the only guy, he took the role of a mum and a dad....KIDDING!=S)Michelle
(Team mate - Always so cheerful)Eudora
(Team mate - one day of room mate, always give me that motherly feel..thanks for the photos too!)

Not to forget our dear local students..!
Farewell can be bittersweet,
let's not left our memories with tears, but smile(:

I won't say goodbye my friend,
for i know you and i will meet again.

Thanks for leaving your footprints on my hearts.
Thanks for painting colours to my poly life.
Once again,
Thanks for everything.


Day 33 - Last day of shopping, Last day in Wuhan

5:08 PM

(16th Oct 2010)
It's finally Day 33.
Not exactly our last day in wuhan,
since we are only going to leave tomorrow morning.

Today is definitely going to be a busy day for everyone.
Everyone will be doing their last minute shopping,
and eat whatever they want to eat before they leave wuhan.

For me,
i am going back to the night market of 步行街 again.
Before the night maket,
I am going to comb all the 小吃,
otherwise i got no more chance to do so.
i had  香辣花甲, smelly tofu, chicken wing, potatoes, pudding milk tea..
and lots of random stuffs.

I really like the food alot,
sad to say, i can't find it in Singapore.

In the night,
I did my last minute shopping,
trying to spend all the remaining RMBs i have=S

Time flies and it already 10pm plus.
We have to leave the night market,
before we break the curfew again.
Now we are back to hostel,
It's time for us to pack our luggages.
Look at the mess!!

 My table(:

Are we having a garage sale here?

Finally, we are doing the last minute packing.
This means we are really going home.
Our own home.

Frankly speaking,
I don't feel like leaving this place yet.
I am already attached to wuhan already):

We are going to leave wuhan tomorrow,
We may come back in future,
or may not come back anymore.

But nevertheless,
this trip had left me a wonderful memory of everything about wuhan.
I am not going to leave wuhan with tears,
but with a smile(:

Day 32 - Their friendly match, Our farewell dinner

4:29 PM

(15th Oct 2010)

Looks like today is a busy day for everyone!
A head start for the day,
Basketball Match

Ever since the day we arrived wuhan,
we have seen the locals playing basketball everyday.
I think that's already their daily routine.

Hosting a basketball match?
This sounds like they got a better advantage here.
But no worries!
Because we have our own elite with us!

Before the match starts, I had a best breakfast ever.
Because our dear eudora is kind enough to treat and buy breakfast for us(:
This is called 糯米油条
The locals ate this for breakfast.
I got the salted one..
Trust me, it's nice!

Time check: 12 noon

And the match starts now!!

Our elite!

Elite planning for strategy
No strategy = Best strategy
Final result!
Drum roll please~
Sad to say, our elite team lost.
But as i always say,
win or lose doesn't matter,
as long as we did our best,
and enjoyed the process,
Why should we still care about the final result?
Photos of our elite and the locals

Next stop: Farewell dinner!

Counting down the remaining days we had in wuhan,
1 and a half day.
That's like less than 48 hours!!

A farewell dinner for everyone,
a very last chance for everyone to get together.

Enjoy the pictures people!(:

Here we are at golden hans for international buffet

 Continue service: Flip to the red coloured side
Stop service: Flip to the yellow coloured side

 Group photos!

 Me with Yang Tao
Da Fei and Me

 Shen Ping and Me

 Team E!

After meals,
It's time we show our gratitude to the local students.
It's a mini prize giving ceremony(:
Outside the restaurant(:

Group photos of everyone.
That includes the LSCT peeps and the locals!

I could say today is a total interative day with the local student.
Firstly, we had a friendly basketball match with them.
Well, i am not sure whether it's friendly enough to call a friendly match.
They always get aggressive in the end.
But they told me it's supposed to be like this.

The farewell dinner is the best part for the evening.
All of us enjoyed our dinner together.
Mingle around, taking pictures anywhere, anytime.
I felt like we are one big family.

It's been 32 days since we arrived wuhan,

and the locals have displayed great hospitality,
by showing us around the places and introduce us some nice food.
They are really friendly to us.

I would like to take this chance to thanks all of them,

for being such a good host/friends.
Thank you for all the hard work and effort you guys have put in for us.
We really appreciate it.(:
Alright, i shall end this post with a jump shot that i like it very much.

Tomorrow is our last day in Wuhan.
We are going to set off the day after.

Anticipate for my last few posts people!!!
