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Day 4 - A little exploration, My road to recovery

Friday, September 17, 2010 8:19 AM

Hello people! Woke up early in the morning, and today shall be my first day of school! (It's supposed to be second day for my friends,cause i skipped the lessons on first day) Anyway, woke up in the morning and realise my voice is getting better. Still very hoarse though. But at least i am recovering.. YAY! It's really makes me happier.(: A 5 mins walk to our class. OMG..I finally experience the benefits of living in school's hostel. Ngee Ann Poly should set up a school hostel.. From main entrance to my class already took me 5-10mins. My very first lesson is about the culture in wuhan. Apparently, Singapore culture is very different from here. For example, I learned that china implemented the house fund system. Whereby about 500RMB will be transferred from their salary every month, to their house fund. They are used for buying house in future. Singapore has no such system yet. Well, there are still many other differences, but i can't possibly name them all out here. After 3 hours of long and tiring lesson, We had lunch break.(: Then, its time for Ms alicia hock's lesson. Alicia hock teaching After lesson, everyone went back to their room. Rested for abit and it's time for my exploration time! Wanted to go to the mall which i missed previously due to my sickness. My friend and i took a bus there from 建设一路.

Board on the bus and went on a long bus ride. We end up losing our way. Not sure where we were, so we decided to fill up our growling stomach first We went into the restaurant and ordered some of their specialty. Their food is super nice can! I mean, at least the soup is super nice.. That's my fav.. Look at the traffic!

This is the restaurant we went to, located at 中南路..Quite far away from our hostel. But i think this place is worth trying!(:

The tomato-egg soup. Super nice! *thumbs up*

The fish is not bad either. (:

Saw the noodle? It's handmade by the chef from the restaurant.

But the noodle is too chewy already.

Picture of me with the super nice soup(:

Remember to look out for this restaurant(:

So after eating, we should exercise in case we get fat. decided to explore their streets.

This is how their streets looks like

This is a girl who just sat down on the street. Noticed the white chinese characters on the floor? She wrote "Please give me 2Yuan so that i can take bus home" Or something like that. Can't really remember. I gave her my 2Yuan. Only to realise, she did not leave. She just continue sitting down there. Then i realised i was fooled. She made herself look so pitiful. She probably ran away from home=X I guess this teaches us really not to be fooled by other's appearance. CAREFUL people! But oh well,it's just 2yuan.LOL And i took her back view(:

Tee hee hee..Revenge!! >:D

After walking for abit, we took a cab back.

See! their cab is totally different from ours. We are totally seperated from the front seats. And i saw their meter jumped from 8.70 to 9.40. I was wondering whether did we get fooled by the taxi driver. That's something that we would never find out. Too bad for us, who ask us to be singaporean.

I still got the feeling that the taxi driver is corrupted!! >: ( one of the thing we should really be careful of when we're in china. In Singapore, we dont really have to worry about this. That's the reason why i love Singapore! After getting off the cab, it's home sweet home(: It's saturday tml, or rather now.LOL We will be going 步行街 to do shopping..!=D I heard that it is one of the must go place for shopping How exciting!(: I am really looking forward to explore the street later. So i shall tune in now and get my fullest energy back! Continue to anticipate on my next post! Good night people. XOXO, Agnes.L