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Day 11 - First day of cruise, getting excited

Monday, September 27, 2010 7:22 AM

(24th sept 2010) Hello people! Today, we are going for a 3D2N cruise trip. (Not really a cruise, more like a ferry) Our meeting time is 12.15pm, This means that we can have more time to sleep!! We have to take bus from outside our hostel, to 宜昌depot, where we will board our cruise there! Beautiful scenery taken from inside the bus

Before boarding the cruise, we stopped by for dinner first.

This is the place where we had our dinner...

Inside of the restaurant

We are going to second level to eat~

Enjoying our meal with LSCT peeps!

After eating, everyone head back to the bus.. And continue our journey.. around 1hour plus later..We finally reached the depot. Walking in to take our cruise!

That's what i like about china. They are always concerned about promoting urban civilisation(:

A photo of me! Behind me is NOT the ferry we are going to take.

My group's photo

Walking towards our ferry now~ This is the ship we are going to take.. 长江观光5 ONBOARD!! All of us waiting patiently at the lobby before we get our own room keys. This is my room!

Come on in people!

Our toilet. My bed! HAHA..The bed is quite comfy(:

The corridor outside our rooms.. Say cheese people!! Started to explore the ship..GO CHINA! All of us went to the top deck to enjoy the breeze. We were informed that we will be passing by locks, I am very excited about seeing the locks with my own eyes. During lesson, we were taught about locks from textbook and videos. But now, i can actually not only see the locks, but also experience it myself!! Sorry for those who are super blur of what I am talking about.. Wondering "huh? What lock? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEA?!" Oh anyway, at this point of time, we are actually at the yangtze river.. So here's a little info about the locks for you guys. A lock is actually a device, which is for raising and lowering boats from different water levels. Imagine we need to travel from yangtze river to the sea, Where the depth of yangtze river is that low, and the the sea is that high, we will need locks,so that boats can continue the sailing smoothly.. Locks are more like compartments, the boat will go in, then water will pump in until the boat raises to certain level of height, Then the boat will continue sailing.. Alright..enough of theoretical stuff.. We were all very eager to see how the locks operate.. But we still got sometime to spare, before our ferry can go through the locks.

That means it's time to take pictures!!

Group E

The girls in group E

Many jump shots attempted but failed. This is the only successful one.

Group E with our very cute mentor, Ms alicia hock.
Say twist~
Enough of pictures already! Here comes the first lock!

We are going in now...

Getting closer~

Finally, we are inside already. Slowly, water will be pumped in and our ferry will rise higher and higher. It's really an eye opener to see how the lock actually work. Mr Ho (our maritime management lecturer) once showed us a video on how the locks work. the whole class were amazed by the system of the locks.. And i was thinking of how wonderful it would be if i can experience it myself. On this particular day, my wish came true! HAHA I shall flaunt it to my other friends.. Chances of this are hard to come by. But i have to admit, there's a little dissappointment, due to the fact that it doesn't feel as great as what i thought it would be. As the ferry rises, you basically feel nothing.. Maybe it lack a tinge of thrill i guess=X After the locks, i went back to my cosy room.. Because standing at the deck is just too freezing cold. Fell asleep when i lay down on my bed. Eudora woke me up to see another lock. Yes, there are more locks coming... And this time round, it reaches 5 storey high! But this time round i didn't managed to experience the thrill of going all the way up to 5th storey.. I was too tired.. Half way through, i went back to sleep. Shall post on more happenings about day 2 of cruise! Anticipate for it people! XOXO, Agnes.L