Wuhan here i come.
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Day 31 - It's time for shopping again!! \o/

Thursday, October 21, 2010 2:16 PM

(14th Oct 2010)
Hello People!
(I just realised i had stopped using this opening for quite sometime already)

Like i said for the previous post,
No more lessons for us.
So of course,
I am definitely not going to waste this chance to shop!
What do you need for shopping?
Lots of energy.
Where do you get your energy from?
That's right!
 I am also going to spend my last few days here in wuhan,
and enjoy all the nice food here!

Still remember i went to a restaurant at my first week of wuhan?
I decided to go back there.
This is probably my last chance to go there already.

Welcome to 楚留香饺子馆, 中南路
This is why i like about this restaurant.
We get a packet of free tissue!

 This tomato soup is still the best soup ever!

After filling up my stomach,
i am ready to go shopping!

Next Stop: 步行街

How could i not go 步行街 for my last few days in wuhan!
When the night starts to fall,
the real shopping gets started.

Their night market is something i do not want to miss.
Here, you can find lots of cheap clothes and many other random stuffs.
On top of that, you can bargain for the things here!
This is what i call a shopping paradise.

Tomorrow is the day for a friendly basketball match.
Away                    Vs                       HomeYu Chuan                                   The local students
Liang Xun
Houng Sheng
Zhen Zhao

I am sure it will be an exciting match tomorrow!

It's really fun to shop at the night market.
While shopping,
there's always a voice coming out from the loud hailer,
that constantly reminds you to be careful of your belongings,
and beware of pickpockets.

That shows the thoughtful side of the locals.
Some of the shop owners did their part to remind us too.

Alright guys,
Anticipate for my post tomorrow,
and i shall tell you more about the basketball match.
Until then,
Take care people.
