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Day 23 - Internet down, Shopping day

Thursday, October 7, 2010 9:20 AM

(6th oct 2010) Hello people!
Today isn't my lucky day..
Something went wrong with my internet network cable port.. Not the cable..But my laptop.. And it just spoil like this.. This means i will be not able to use internet for few days..
or worse, throughout the rest of this trip.
I got to really thanks Edward for lending me his laptop.. so that i can keep my blog updated.. I seriously hope i can get my laptop fixed real soon.. ):):
Enough of unhappy stuffs, During the night, all of us, except for a few, Went to this place called 红岗城..Sounds familiar? I just went to this place on the day i did not go to theme park..
This time round, i am going in the night,
a much more different experience.
But before this, I had my dinner at 宁蒙乐again.. Here's what i ate for dinner..
After dinner, we took a 10 mintues bus ride to 红岗城
When the night falls, the street will always get more crowded...!
Me, choosing hair accesories..
I did not get to shop much,
because i reached the place pretty late.. We were all being hurried back, when we realised that we are going to hit the curfew time. All of us panicked and we decided to get a cab back, We took turns to board the cabs..
We reached the hostel as fast as we can.. However, all of us still exceeded the curfew time.
We are all getting our late fine.
We all have one ground rules to follow.. If we are late for lessons,meeting time,curfews.. we are required to pay for late fines.. and the money will go into class fund.
I did not understand why do we need this rule in the first place, only until i see the effectiveness of it.
Without this "late fine" system,
puncutality will become a big big problem..
Let's take today as our example.
If we do not have such system, we wouldn't be bothered to rush back to hostel.
Today's incident taught us a very important lesson. Punctuality, Time management.
It's really important to be punctual.
Not only when it comes to school,
but also when we go out to work. Who would want to employ someone who's always late for work? and everything?
In order to keep the punctuality, time management is very important.
i could say they are both interrelated.
Today, we did not keep track of the time,
and just continuing shopping. poor time management caused us violating our ground rule.
I hope such thing would never happen again.
Sorry Mr chia, for not able to come back within the curfew time.
Guys, let's work hard on our punctuality! XOXO,