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Day 18 - National day is a happy day(:

Friday, October 1, 2010 7:47 PM

(1th Oct 2010)
Hello people!
Today is a big big day for the china people.
It's their national day!
Coincidently, it's our very own children's day too(:
If i were still in singapore, this would be just a normal day to me,
But now, i am in wuhan..
So, i am lucky enough to experience their national day celebration.
Here's some info about the National day in China
Their national day was declared at three o'clock on Oct 1,1949
By Mao ZeDong.
Unlike Singapore where we are given only 2days of holiday,
It is a one week off for the china people.
It is common for the locals to travel domestically and internationally,
during national day.
Most of the students staying in the hostel went back to their hometown.
However, some stayed back because their hometown is simply too far away.
National day also marks the start of the golden week.
Just like Singapore,
fireworks display will be held nationwide in all cities,
including Hong Kong.
Today, they will be celebrating their 61th anniversary already!
Our kind hearted Mr chia let us off for afternoon lesson..
Thank You teacher!
I decided to try new food today!
However, the gate that we always used is closed!):
Hence, we need to go a detour before we can reached the 堕落街,
Which we always go to settle our meals there.
Fortunately, the distance for detour is not that far also.
I shall just treat it as exercising(:
This is the food i tried for my lunch. This is called 过桥米线. It taste quite nice and healthy..At least, it's not so oily(: The soup is chicken soup, and the noodle taste like the thick version of beehoon
I will be going out for shopping tomorrow..

XOXO, Agnes.L
I heard from my friends that the street would be very crowded,
and there will be high chances of heavy traffic..
From here, i could really tell how much the locals values their national day
. Everyone would be out to celebrate this special day..
To end this post, I am going to wish all the locals,
Happy national day!!

Day 17 - Kind invitation, Pre-National Day celebration

12:09 PM

(30th sept 2010)
 Hello people! I am going to post 7 random pictures first.
I only got the photos now because they are not with me.
Enjoy the pics people(:

This is taken when we are at 3 gorges dam~
All of us trying to do jump shot

Failed jump shots..LOL Taken during cruise trip Taken during the visit to WISCO

Taken during the visit to coca cola factory Inside the gallery of coca cola factory Alright, i should probably skip straight to happenings during dinner time,
 because before this, we only had morning and afternoon lessons.
Thanks to HanHui and his vegetarian gang,
We are invited for a FREE steamboat feast at the vegetarian stall he always patronised.^^
The boss were very happy with us,
because we are somehow their "biggest client".
by ordering large amount of orders almost everyday.
 The dinner started quite late.
Partially my fault too=X Some of us went over to the stall first,
while others(me and my friends) left later.
On the way there, We saw a retail shop..
And couldn't resist the clothes temptations X___X
Shopped for quite awhile, and bought 5 tops in total, 3 for me, 2 for my friend,
Before we are satisfied enough to leave the shop..
When we reached there, it's already around 8pm.
Everyone waited for us before they start eating.. Sorry guys!

Look at the wide spread of food~ Trust me, even though it's a vegetarian steamboat,
It's still super nice! However, the soup base is alittle too spicy for us. This is the vegetarian popiah They call it chun juan though And it's super duper nice!! The friendly boss even teach us how to make it personally!! He patiently teach us each and every detail.. We are all paying our fullest attention(: And it's done!!! This picture is posted to specifically credit Hao Teng(:
Because we were in a big big group, hence, i am sitting at a edge of the table,
where it's impossible for me to reach out for the food. Hao Teng continuously helped us to take the food with no grumble..
Thanks Mr Nice Guy!(: Now, It's time for us to make our own 春卷(chun juan) This is the fillings for it.. Doesn't look nice? But it taste superb! Everyone getting busy with their 春卷 I am making it too!(: Making 春卷 in process... Finally done! It's super nice! HAHA I had a great time at the vegetarian stall tonight.
Once again, I felt l the warmth and friendly side of the locals being displayed.
This feast is actually for the celebration of their national day,
which is tomorrow.
The boss is kind enough to invite us to celebrate together~
During the meal, he never forget to consistently remind us to eat more...
"多吃多吃 " that's what he said..
Throughout the dinner, he did not sat down with us to enjoy the food..
Being a very good host,
He kept himself busy by refilling the food and soup, entertain us etc.
Some local students sat down with us to celebrate the special occasion..
They are just too friendly..
They truely displayed all the good morals that the local government always emphasized
I couldn't find any more words to emphasize their generousity.
The boss just keep refilling the 春卷, until he got no more skin left for it.
I really appreciate their kindness to invite us.
Thanks for the food and everything(:
Shall end my post now,
Goodnight people!