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Day 19 - Time for shopping

Saturday, October 2, 2010 9:42 AM

(2nd oct 2010)

Hello people!

It's a beautiful saturday morning..
Today, it's a shopping day for all of us..
We are supposed to meet at 9am in the morning.
But since it's free and easy.. I decided to go on my own instead..
Me, along with some of my friends only start to set off in the afternoon..
Fortunately the traffic is not as bad as we thought it would be.
We reached our destination in about 30mins.
Below would be the photos taken during shopping
Somehow, i saw a lot of dogs today.. So my pictures would be full of dogs.. Enjoy!(:

Look at the crowded bus!
Here we are at 步行街!
The first dog i saw today, it's a golden retriever! It's been chained up with a bike): Second dog of the day..Eating hot dog..
This is called 香辣花甲.. It's very nice..Highly recommended(:
Look at the amount of oil! I looks spicy..But the spicyness is still acceptable
This is called 香辣圣子..Bigger version of 花甲.. It's nice also..But i prefer the previous dish.. One big bowl of wanton soup for 5Yuan. Which is equals to 1plus sing dollar..!! However it is not that nice=X Pudding milk tea..I rcommend this before.. Shall mention this again, Cause it's super nice! Highly recommended(:
Once again, I saw another dog in the shopping mall!!
 Look at the size of the dog! It's a super mini dog..
And i initially thought it was a toy=X
I am really surprised i can even see dogs inside shopping mall..
It's quite impossible to see such things happen in singapore..
Although the chinese population dominated China,
i still think it is quite inconsiderate to bring your pets into shopping mall..
There are many questions i really want to ask the owners..
What if there are people who are afraid of animals?
What if the place is super crowded, and people might just kicked your dog when they did not notice them. What if your dog left their waste on the floor?
 Are you going to clean them?

I coudn't resist the cuteness of the dog..
 And i requested to take photo with it(:
Compare it with my face.. Can you imagine the size now?
Smaller than my face!! And it licked me!!> So cuteeeeee!! I tried the ice blended mango from the same stall..
Doesn't taste too sweet.. Highly recommended too! I also decided to go back to same stall, and this time round, i tried 香辣海瓜子..
Smaller version of 花甲..
And i still think 花甲is the best
I always wanted to try 冰糖葫芦..
Now then i know it's actually fruits with malted honey..
Not bad(: And i shopped till 9pm plus..WOW
Really shopped till i drop.. HAHA..
I did not realise that it was already so late, Until jamie called me.. Four of us,
me, jamie,hanhui, edward,
were trying hard to look out for bus to go back hostel..
The waiting area is super crowded..
we started to panick when the bus took very long time to arrive..
Finally, it arrved at around 10pm..
And we were all praying hard the traffic would be smooth,
as our hostel gate would be closed at 11pmX___X
Lucky us..we reached our hostel at 10plus..PHEW!
It's been a long and tiring day..
步行街 may seem very empty in the day, But in the night, it turns into a flea market.. I never got to go see it myself,
but i promised i'll be there soon,
and will update you guys with more details..