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Day 25 - Korean buffet, night market! (: x2

Friday, October 8, 2010 12:11 PM

(8th oct 2010) Hello People!! I missed out the practical test today for my blog tittle.

We had our final test for OIP trip today... Just like the first paper.. I couldn't complete it.. This time round is because i do not know how to doX__X

Shall not comment much about the practical test.. Because i don't like to talk about unhappy stuffs.. Anyway, the campus is getting back to the lively and crowded place again. Filled with students everywhere. They are all back from the national day's holiday. After the morning lesson, Everyone was rushing out their projects in the noon.. Suddenly all become so hardworking.. HAHA..cause we all want to go to the night market in the evening! So yeap, off we go, to the night market, and enjoy shopping for cheap goods.

But before this, me, along with edward, jamie and mr chia, Went to try a korean bbq buffet.. LOL..BBQ again...=X
Enjoy the pics below! ALERT: Yummy food ahead.. Careful not to drool(:
This is the korean buffet restaurant we went to(:

Our newest creation: Barbequed cakes with ice cream!!

Edward and Mr Chia

Jamie and Me! It's always good to exercise after dinner.. Especially after a buffet. And so, we went for our after dinner exercise, also known as the best way to exercise, and i call it SHOPPING(: We went to one of the night market at 步行街. It's a pity that we did not get to shop much, because we left the korean buffet restaurant too late, Which hence left us little time to shop. But still, I managed to get myself a pair of shoes, jacket and some DIY stuffs, In less than 2 hours(: Because of the painful lesson previously, (i am referring to the day all of us got the late fine) me,jamie,hanhui and edward decided to take a cab back. Shall not take the risk(: Tomorrow is the day we are going to 武当山, the legendary endless stairs up to the submit. And yes, we are going to conquer it.. Look forward to how i am going to conquer 武当山, as i share my journey with you. Till then, Take care people! XOXO, Agnes.L

Day 24 - Barbeque with our new friends

8:41 AM

(7th oct 2010) Hello people!

Today, we are going to have a barbeque session with our new friends. It shall be a very good chance to mingle around!(:

We set off at around 11am plus..
Can you imagine that?
We are going to have a barbeque session in the early noon. We walked all the way to the park near 建设五路, And it took us a one hour long journey.. Woah.. can seriously exercise already..
Here we are, all ready to set off(:
Alright, let's go!
The start of our long journey

Happy houngsheng, ready for bbq

Saw this tree on our way.. Look at the patterns of the barks, we call it "army tree" Still walking~ Three wheeled vehicle.. I wonder why there's only three wheels.. An attempt to save cost?=X
1 hour later, we finally reached! Edward: Let's dance! WOO!

Our friends preparing food for us!

We are going to barbeque gizzard! Never try this before in Singapore.. Surprisingly, it's super nice!

All of us helped to prepare the food too

Look! Mr chia is helping to start the fire And look closely, We are using tree branches to start fire, Rather than a fire starter.. What an economical way to start fire.. Shall do that in singapore..HAHA A closer look of the bbq pit.. It is so different from singapore.. Nope, u didn't see wrongly, It's cabbage! And we are going to bbq that too.. The locals here can really bbq anything.. We can even barbeque brinjal.. It's nice too with the spices!

Random shots, taken when exploring the place.
Salt, not sugar..
All the meat!
All the spices for the bbq food! Singapore style: Just use butter/oil/honey for all the food.. Wuhan style: Must add spices to all the food
Our bags!
Evidence of us helping diligently
Nice mushrooms!
Cooked Brinjal with all the spices on top.. Very nice!

Me and jamie with the hammock Say cheese!

Come here and team E will bbq food for you(:

It's always good to exercise, After eating, we played all sorts of games.. Basketball, badminton, table tennis..

Picture of me playing basketball(:

It's really fun to exercise together with your friends after eating..
We should lead a healthy lifestyle people! We played until evening time,
before we left the place and head back to hostel. It's really fun and pleasant to have a barbeque session with our new friends. I enjoyed myself today and appreciate the effort of the organisers.
Once again, i saw how different their bbq style was,
as compared to ours.
Firstly, we can't even use tree branches to start fire.. I guesss it's illegal in singapore.
Amazingly, tree branches served as a very good fire starter. Secondly, food that we never thought of bbq-ing,
are all used today..
cabbage, brinjal, cucumber.. It's pretty much different from our satay, stingray and sausages.. Thirdly, we don't even use spices!! And they used spices for all the food!
I really love the spices.. It helps to bring out the flavour of the food. Guess it's not a bad barbeque experience afterall.. I shall end my post here.. Take care people!