Wuhan here i come.
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Before Leaving to land of 5 regrets

Monday, September 13, 2010 11:05 AM

Hello guys, Yes, i am going to do a post now..at this crazy hour..HAHA Well..i planned to do a pre trip post initially, Before i was SICK.. which is not inside my plan.. SIGH..my friends are getting sick recently.. Take care people! Alright, since i am still not feeling quite well.. I shall keep this post a short and sweet one(: Had been packing my luggages since the past few days.. Bits by bits.. Packing luggages are a total torture.. U got think what to bring and what not to bring.. Here's a sneak preview of my luggages(:

I am so glad that i finally finished packing them..(: Well, guess i am all ready to go wuhan.. Hmm..not so ready yet..but i have to rightt!! And for those who know me, i am a super lazy person to do blogging.. So i guess it's time for me to start getting used to doing bog everyday..): I am so going to miss my family, friends, everyone in singapore not to mention her..

Take care of urself kay!!! T.T Alright..i promised to keep this a short and sweet one.. So i should stop here.. Be sure to look out for my posts everyday on all the happenings in wuhan(: XOXO, Agnes.L(: