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Day 10 - Off day for everyone..time to make a wish!

Thursday, September 23, 2010 6:50 PM

(23th septh 2010) Hello people! The weather is better today.. As in there's no rain and the temperature is just fine.

And there's no lesson today! Which means it's an off day for everyone!\o/ Most of us stayed inside the hostel room today..

At around evening time, some of us went to Walmart with the local students, While the rest went to 快乐餐厅 eat instead.

I got nothing to buy from Walmart, so i followed the rest to eat.

Getting ready to go out~

Group photos people~ Food that we ordered~ Later in the night, it's time to play with our 许愿灯(wishing lantern)!!!

We all gathered at the badminton court, just outside our hostel.
It's total pitch black, but this doesn't stops us from playing with our wishing lantern..
We are all figuring how to use it.
Everyone helping one another.. That's me writing down my wish..And hopefully 嫦娥(chang er) will receive it=X Everyone esle starts to write their wishes on the lantern too..
And it's finally done!
Now, we are trying out how to light up the lantern.. Sending our love to 嫦娥 Trying to light up the lantern HAHA..Look at Zhen Zhao! I like thhis photo.. Holding on the lantern...
And there goes our wishing lantern, flying up into the night sky~ Make a wish everybody!
It was really fun to play with wishing lantern when you are with your friends.
I really enjoyed the process alot.
From figuring out how to set up the lantern, writting down our wishes,
holding on to the lantern, and finally let go of it..
We all did this together..
Through this activity, we already displayed the teamwork,
as well as the bond between us..
The lantern may eventually fall, but our friendship shall last long.
This is my wish for everyone:
We will be going to cruise tomorrow for 3D2N..
I shall post my cruise happenings as soon as possible..
Good night people!

Day 8 - Just a normal day

5:41 PM

(21th sept 2010) Hello people! HAHA.. I don't know what to put for my blog tittle.. Pardon me for that stupid blog tittle. Anyway, this gonna be a short sweet post only.. Nothing happened much today.. We doing the same routine as usual.. Woke up in the morning.. Went for morning lesson. Lunch.. Then afternoon lesson.. At around late afternoon time, Ard 10 over people went for jogging.. Of course..I am not part of it.=X I hate running more than dancing .. So i stayed in the hostel instead. And i found someone who hate running more than dancing too! LOL..EUDORA!! HAHA..so i fully made use of the time and teach her "nobody dance" FYI - The girls are going to dance this song at the 5th week, For everyone, including the locals. I had tomato egg with rice for dinner again! The tomato egg is super nice! (It doesn't looks nice here though) It's from a restaurant called 宁蒙乐..U can find this along the street behind our hostel

So that basically ends my day today.. Take care then! XOXO, Agnes.L

Day 9 - Ends of Autumn tiger, and here comes the REAL Autumn

10:46 AM

(22th sept 2010) Hello people! Sorry about the long blog tittle.. What i meant was.. The weather is finally turning cold!! And i can finally feel autumn is coming.. The sudden drop of temperature really surprises all of us.. The day before, we are still sweating and complaining about the weather.. Now, the temperature drop from 30plus degree to about 15(min) - 23 (max) degree. It starts to rain on the 20th sept 2010 night, and this is when the weather started to change. It was really cold on this particular day because it rains almost the whole day.. All of us were shivering when walking to our class.. As well as when we wanted to go for lunch.. I could NEVER experience such weather in Singapore.. I like the weather..but without the rain, it would be better. Photo of us in the classroom

Took a group photo before lunch..! About 13 of us, including Mr chia, went to a soup restaurant for lunch.. The soup is super nice! You got to try the soup when you're in wuhan.. Especially in such a cold weather.. You will feel the warmth in your stomach when you drink the soup. So sorry that no pictures were taken.. I was too hungry and cold to bother about taking pics=X I will take photos when i make another trip there! In the night, it was so much colder!! I think the temperature is around 15 or 16 degree.. With an addition of wind and rain.OMG Tt means it's air-con everywhere! I was shivering all the way when i was out for dinner. As i talk, i can even see steam coming out from out mouth..! (very little steam..not those exaggerating kind) Imagine the coldness...BRRRRRRRrrr..

My day doesn't end after dinner.. The real party only starts now.. Today is a happy occasion for everyone.. MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL!!! Everyone gathered at second level..(where the girls stays) A table is set at the corridor, with a pool of mooncakes and green tea!! Games are planned for us for this special occasion. Thanks organiser! We had so much fun and the corridor is filled with our laughter.. Enjoy the pictures taken!

Preparing the food and drinks

And we are all waiting patiently

Look! One of the local student came to celebrate with us!

Girls and guys stood seperately in one line.. It's time to play games! 男的站左边,女的站右边,不男不女站中间Align Center

Group photo! HAHA..Only Jiali is looking at the right camera

The girls~

Eating mooncake together..YUM YUM

Look at the leftover..HAHA

We celebrated till around 10pm plus, we were informed that the lsct students have test the next day, So that means the party's over. Oh well..i really had so much fun celebrating with my friends and teacher, not in Singapore, but in wuhan. Though there are no moon to see.. No supreme tea(only liptop green tea) No freshly baked moon cake.. I am alr very contented. Moon cakes and tea are only a small pdoes not have the tradition to play with candles and lanterns..art of celebration. What matters is everyone is together. Sad to say, the locals here They only play with lanterns during chinese new year period. That's wierd.. I always thought candles and lanterns are a must during mid autumn festival. I guess that clearly shows the difference between Singapore and China. Alright, i shall end my post here.. I know it's abit too late to say this.. But still, Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐! XOXO, Agnes.L