Wuhan here i come.
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Day 12 - 2nd day of cruise, 神女溪,白帝城

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:16 AM

(25th sept 2010) Hello people! We woke up very early in the morning, because our breakfast starts at 7.00am. We were all super tired, i guess everyone are lacking of sleep. However, we need to perk ourselves up, because tight and exciting programmes are waiting for us! \0/\0/\0/\0/\0/ Before this, we need to fill up our stomach first. Breakfast time! Very nice milk. Tilt ur head for better view=X Advertisers for red date milk Quality guaranteed!! Fried rice~ Hor fun~ The tour guide was very sweet and thoughtful. Supposingly, we don't have horfun, fried rice and the milk for breakfast. Because they realised that the 4th batches OIP students are not used to the food they provided, They are really thoughtful for us. And i'm very grateful for that.. After breakfast, all of us gathered at the deck to view beautiful sceneries Mountains And More mountains Look at the houses on the mountains. Group photo! Our first programme on list. Welcome to 神女溪 This is our ticket Getting off our ferry to go to our first destination That's our ferry!(: And we arrived here to take smaller boats to see beautiful sceneries Boarding the boat now HAHA..took a photo of myself while waiting for boat to move. Me and eudora.. Also my room mates for this cruise trip(: All of us were paying attention to what the tour guide is saying Photos below would all be beautiful sceneries taken while on the boat. Enjoy! Protect the mother nature please(: Empty boat found. Can you see the staircase and the walkway? It is supposed to be a walkway in the past, however now that the water level rises, it is no longer usable This is a coal mine We reached our destination and were given time to enjoy this beautiful place. Look at how crampy this walkway is.. Look at the distinct colour differences on the water Me and eudora again We finally reached the top! Alicia Hock and Me
Sorry Ms hock, you're being blocked by michelle..LOL
Look at the nice scenery behind me! Soon after we reached the top. We have to go all the way down againn.. We are heading back already. Going back to our ferry to have our lunch!
Yummy food! Soon after lunch, we are going to our 2nd destination 白帝城. Tight schedule right? I know....

Setting off to our 2nd destination

See, they even sell preserved salted fish. It's really not common in Singapore. My grp mates And so we took a bus to 白帝城 Finally we reached the place! Walking in~ Team E! Specially went to edit the picture=X Touch this statue for lucks etc.
Random Shots! It's time to head back alr! This was our dinner Shall end this post with my group photo
After dinner, it's free and easy.. I took this chance and go around exploring the ferry. Although it is not those very big cruise kind, They still got entertainment facilities for us! Such as KTV and Mahjong room. DID i mention how cool is their mahjong table? They got the automatic kind of mahjong table. Whereby you just push all your tiles into the "hole" at the center of the table, You press the start button, and within one sec, They arranged the mahjong tiles neatly for you. PS: I am not trying to promote mahjong here.. Gambling is not good.. Don't gamble kay!^^ I could say today's trip was a fulfilling one.
Taking the small boat, and enjoy beautiful sceneries.. The mother nature.. Knowing more about history of china.. I really enojoy this trip alot.. I could never experience this in Singapore.. In singapore, we are covered with buildings and more buildings. In wuhan, We are covered with mountains and trees.. Sorry about the long post.. Today is really a long long day=X Tml shall be the last day of cruise.. And also the visit of Three gorges Dam! Goodnight people! XOXO, Agnes.L