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Day 32 - Their friendly match, Our farewell dinner

Thursday, October 21, 2010 4:29 PM

(15th Oct 2010)

Looks like today is a busy day for everyone!
A head start for the day,
Basketball Match

Ever since the day we arrived wuhan,
we have seen the locals playing basketball everyday.
I think that's already their daily routine.

Hosting a basketball match?
This sounds like they got a better advantage here.
But no worries!
Because we have our own elite with us!

Before the match starts, I had a best breakfast ever.
Because our dear eudora is kind enough to treat and buy breakfast for us(:
This is called 糯米油条
The locals ate this for breakfast.
I got the salted one..
Trust me, it's nice!

Time check: 12 noon

And the match starts now!!

Our elite!

Elite planning for strategy
No strategy = Best strategy
Final result!
Drum roll please~
Sad to say, our elite team lost.
But as i always say,
win or lose doesn't matter,
as long as we did our best,
and enjoyed the process,
Why should we still care about the final result?
Photos of our elite and the locals

Next stop: Farewell dinner!

Counting down the remaining days we had in wuhan,
1 and a half day.
That's like less than 48 hours!!

A farewell dinner for everyone,
a very last chance for everyone to get together.

Enjoy the pictures people!(:

Here we are at golden hans for international buffet

 Continue service: Flip to the red coloured side
Stop service: Flip to the yellow coloured side

 Group photos!

 Me with Yang Tao
Da Fei and Me

 Shen Ping and Me

 Team E!

After meals,
It's time we show our gratitude to the local students.
It's a mini prize giving ceremony(:
Outside the restaurant(:

Group photos of everyone.
That includes the LSCT peeps and the locals!

I could say today is a total interative day with the local student.
Firstly, we had a friendly basketball match with them.
Well, i am not sure whether it's friendly enough to call a friendly match.
They always get aggressive in the end.
But they told me it's supposed to be like this.

The farewell dinner is the best part for the evening.
All of us enjoyed our dinner together.
Mingle around, taking pictures anywhere, anytime.
I felt like we are one big family.

It's been 32 days since we arrived wuhan,

and the locals have displayed great hospitality,
by showing us around the places and introduce us some nice food.
They are really friendly to us.

I would like to take this chance to thanks all of them,

for being such a good host/friends.
Thank you for all the hard work and effort you guys have put in for us.
We really appreciate it.(:
Alright, i shall end this post with a jump shot that i like it very much.

Tomorrow is our last day in Wuhan.
We are going to set off the day after.

Anticipate for my last few posts people!!!
