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Day 16 - Coca Cola Factory

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 10:30 AM

(29th sept 2010)
Hello People!
This morning we are going to visit Coca Cola Factory..
There was once Coca cola, normally known as coke by singaporean,
 had been my favourite drink. I drank at least 1 coke everyday..
But after one period, i realise it's really not healthy to drink it so often,
So i decided to quit that addiction(:

Alright, back to my journey to coca cola factory..
Again, we gathered at the classroom early in the morning,
And board a bus to the factory.
Here we are, The coca cola factory located at HUBEI

Walking in now...

Inside the company.. Our vision, Our value, Our purpose

Coca cola!

Coca cola in crates

A video is shown to intro us about their company.

Each of us got a free bottle of coca cola

The manufacturing process

Me with the free coca cola!(:
This is the storage area Here's the process of manufacturing coca cola~ First step, Melt the sugar!

Second step, Mix water and all the necessary ingredients Third step, Send empty bottles for examination
Fourth step, Wash the bottles thoroughly Fifth step, Fill up the bottles with drinks
Sixth step, Ensure that the machines are all cleaned and bottles are cappedSeventh step, Assert pressure on the cap to ensure it is firm Eighth step,Heat up the bottled drinks til normal room temperature to remove water droplets

Ninth step, send the bottled drink for final examination
Tenth step, add bar code.

Last step, send out for delivery Look at the production rate.. It's going up and up and up! Look at all the brands that are coca cola!!
I never know brands like sprite, marinda are under coca cola!!

These are all models~

Look at what's yu haw doing!
HAHA...Now the guys are joining him..
Team E (1)
Team E (2)
Team E (3)
Team E (4)
Actually, this is my second trip to visit coca cola factory.
I think it was during my secondary time..
But still, it's still awesome to visit the coca cola factory in Wuhan
I always like to share facts when i am touching on the particular topic..
Hoping that not only the readers can learn more about my journey,
and how i feel,
as well as gaining some knowledge.
So here's some fact about coca cola.
It's sold more than 200 countries.
Originally, it is intended as a patejnt medicine,
when it was inventedin the late 19th century by John Penberton.
It was later being bought out by buinessman Asa Griggs Candler,
and used a marketing tactics to turn this to soft drink market.
How cool was that!
It can probably cure my illness by drinking coke alone!
My friend told me that when you heat up coke,
and add some ginger,
It can actually help to relieve cold and headache..
I never tried this method before..
Maybe i soon try it and let you guys know whether it works(:
Alright, i shall end my post now
Take care people!