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Day 3 - Staying in hostel for whole day

Thursday, September 16, 2010 7:22 AM

Hello people.
This is going to be a short and boring post as you can infer from the blog tittle.
Still hoping for my voice to recover,
I decided to missed today's lesson.
Stayed in the room to watch movie marathon.
Around 3pm plus, i went to the sch's clinic..
One of the local students brought me to see doctor.
It was really different from going to singapore's clinic.
Not sure whether only the school's system works this way,
or it applies to all the clinics around wuhan.
Firstly, we entered the entrance,
and there is one counter near the entrance.
The person will asked for your condition,
and they will issue you one "booklet"
(not sure what they call that)
The booklet will instruct you which department you are going
And i am going to 内科.
Sounds scary~ GOSH
To be honest i am alittle bit nervous..
I am worried that i may need to put on drip..
But if putting me on drip can help me recover my voice real fast.
I seriously dont mind.
Anyway, it's a total new experience.
Instead of the air-conditioned clinic, and bookshelves with magazines to keep you company while waiting,
There's only wooden chairs and tables with computers.
There are two females doctors or should i call 大夫?
Both sitting seperately.
Waited for awhile and i went to sit beside the doctor.
Again, it's very different from the doctor from singapore.
They got no stethoscope or other medical equipments.
They basically asked me to open my mouth and asked about my conditions
After writing down the prescribtion letter, we headed to the collect our medicine.
But before this we need to pay for our medicine at the first counter,
Before we can collect our medicine.
Quite troublesome isn't it?
Finally i got my medicine and head back to the hostel.
My friends went off to shop afterwards.
And i decided to stay in the hostel, hoping my voice would recover.
Movie marathon again.
My friends came back at night
And they took care of me by offering me their medicines
Thanks guys!
Friends care and concern are really important.
My day just ended like this.
I really hope my voice could at least recover abit by tomorrow.
I mean later.
Sorry for the disappointing and boring post.
But do continue to anticipate for the next post alright?