Wuhan here i come.
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Day 6 - Wuhan city tour

Monday, September 20, 2010 3:56 PM

Hello people! Woke up early in the morning to post my happenings on day 6. (19th sept 2010) Everyone woke up very early this morning. Our meeting time is 7.15am. OMG. Today, we are going to tour around wuhan, with our tour guide. It's going to be a whole day trip again. We took a shuttle bus to our first destination. East Lake. Tt's our bus! And everyone is ready to go~

I took some photos of East Lake. So, enjoy~!(:

Tt's our first destinationActually i think the scenery is quite beautiful. By the way,all photos are taken by my phone camera. I brought my camera but i forgot to bring the USB cable along..=Z Walking up the bridge..

Our group photo! Sorry..it's really very small..I do not want to fill up half of my blog post with this picture.LOL

The two guys posting (Edward & Yuchuan) I am actually looking at the sampan or boat or whatever they call that.. (I circled it out in case you all find it hard to spot)

Our group photo

After our first destination, we head back to the bus to proceed to our second destination. 湖北省博物馆(HUBEI Provincial Museum)

Now, Let's proceed to the museum Here's the entrance to the museum

Outside of museum

Walking up to the museum

Inside the museum

Photos of the girls + Zhen Zhao..While waiting to visit the museum.

Everyone of us were given a device so that we can listen to the explanation of our tour guide

This is the coffin of 曾侯乙. He is a very respectable person long long time ago.

This is his accompanying conffins.

This is a list of people who accompanied 曾侯乙. It was really shocking to see such a long list. I really couldn't understand what are the people in the past thinking. Why do they ever want to die when they are not supposed to. And they even considered that honourable. I heard from ZhenZhao, that they will all be given poison wine or water..And then they will be buried beside 曾侯乙. The youngest is only at the age of 13. Jewelleries will be buried with them too.

This is the bronze crane with antlers(铜鹿角立鹤) It is considered as a auspicious creature.

Saw all the protruding dots? The tour guide said that all the dots are actually the shape of DRAGON or SNAKE.

This is actually how people in the past store their clothes. Imagine how much we have improved! From a small suitcase till a big cupboard to store our clothes Sometimes, still complaining it's not big enough

This is a jade pendant called 玉块. Notice that it is a full circle? People in the past will give this to other people when they want to make friends with them.This generally symbolise friendship.

Notice that this is not a full circle? This symbolise friendship over. People in the past use this when they want to sever ties with another person. Imagine you receiving this from another person..Wouldn't it be awkward?

Armour wear by horse in the past.. I really pity those horses.

See all the chinese characters in the past. Interesting right?(:

Me! At the rooftop(:

Us with our teacher's advisor (Alicia hock)

Group Photo~

Michelle, me, Eliza

The only guy in our group.. 幸福的小鸟..LOL

After that, we went to this place to have our lunch

See Liangxun's tired face..

Here comes our food! Notice that the rice bowl is in the middle? According to the local culture, they usually start with the dishes then the rice.

They will only eat the rice when they are still not full enough.
This is so different from Singapore culture.
We always eat both the dishes and rice together.
I mean, all the fish, veg etc are meant to go with the rice isn't it?

This is something like 老鼠粉. I forgot the name of this dish. But it was not bad.

Except that it was too oily of course.

Not sure what is this..It's not tofu although it looks like it. But it's super nice!!

Usually, the fish found here have alot of bones. This is because they are not from the sea,
but rather from the river.
So, be very careful when eating the fishes here.
After lunch, we visited one of the tourists attraction,

黄鹤楼(Yellow crane tower)
This is our ticket!

Walking up to the entrance of yellow crane tower

Not sure what this statue means.. But can you tell that it is praying?

We are going to climb up to the top of this tower.

Are you ready? Let's go!

Climbing up~

Finally reahed the top!! See how high was it! Can really exercise climbing all the way up here.

Looking at the beautiful scenery... Model of the Yellow crane tower After exploring, We re going all way down~
Look at the guys! LOL
The yellow crane statue..(It's not yellow though)
Come on everyone, show me ur 鹤拳!

After which, we came here to do some shopping..or rather just slacking down here..=X

Zhenzhao and Me Soon, we are all called back to the bus. And finally, we are heading back to the hostel. We are all very tired, because of the lack of slp. But this trip is a fulfilling one.. We visited so many places!! I shall end here alr.. Take care people! XOXO, Agnes.L