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Day 20 - Theme Park

Sunday, October 3, 2010 11:31 PM

(3rd oct 2010)
Hello People!
Well, the reason why the word "theme park" is being strike through,
It's cause today, it was supposed to be a theme park day for everyone..
However, i did not go..
Not because i am sick..
 I afraid of thrilling rides..
So i'm afraid if i go..I'll be more like wasting time there..
Plus, we have test next day.. All these factors made me decided not to go..
Frankly speaking, somehow, i regretted of not going..
Because i'll probably miss out the fun...
So, in the afternoon.. i decided to go explore wuhan..
i was introduced to go to 红钢城,
by the local student.. It's a 10mins ride from the bus stop near my hostel..
Nothing much over there..
 I only bought one flats for 35RMB..CHEAP!
I guess i shall keep this as a short post..
Take care people!