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Day 27 - Climb for the submit, a test of endurance

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:29 PM

(10th oct 2010)

Hello people!

Time check: 6.53am

Woke up very early in the morning.
and here we are, having our breakfast.

Got to fill up our stomach first before we set off!

After a heavy breakfast,
It's time we embarked for 武当山..

The map of 武当山
We are here
And that's our final destination
After a long bus ride, we reached where we are going to start climbing!
Time check 8.54am
Let's go Team E!
And the climb starts!
Look at the weather!
It's super foggy and cold and it's raining!!!
Is god trying to test our endurance to the max?!!!
Our first pit stop
Stairs!!! Very steep stairs!!!
Second pit stop
Third pit-stop
  Rest awhile before we start moving on again
Look at my very tired team mate

Look at the lady on the right side of the picture!
Tired? Pay few hundreds and you will get one sedan
 Fourth pit-stop
 I am actually trying to a picture of the rain.. FAILED

 Look at this granny.
She joined a few of us halfway the journey.
Despite her age, she showed no fear towards the climb of 武当山.
And along the way she insisted to persevere on to the submit.
 Our helpful Yuchuan helped her along the way..
Look at her, she's holding on her crutches already,
but still insisted on continuing the climb..

 Look! Even a little girl is ready to conquer 武当山.
As a young and fit teenager,
I really felt ashamed of myself.
when i grumbled at the steep stairs and cold, rainy weather.

Our helpful friends helped an old man to carry his goods up the mountain.
The goods weighs over 100kg
 Taking a rest..

Took a picture with the granny..
I am drenched with sweat and rain..
We are reaching the submit already! Hang on people!!

This is the place where we are going to buy ticket before we can go for the submit

 Team E is all ready to go!
 Cimbing our way up!!

After around 3 hours of climb, we FINALLY reached the submit!
We really did it!!! WOAAHHHH!!!

Look at the beautiful sceneries!

 Team E individual shots..
Sorry guys, please tilt ur head

Team E finally reached the submit!!

Look at us, we are all drenched with sweat and rain water.
But look how happy we were,
i call it achievement

 After climbing all the way up,
It's time we head all the way down.
It's alittle pity we have to go back down after all the efforts of coming up..
Anyway, we took only 1hour plus to go back down.
Apparently, going down is way easier than climbing up!

Finally, it's time for our lunch!!!

 Below are pictures of all the nice food!!
However, alot of people didn't eat much..
All were too tired to eat.

After eating, it's time we all head back home..
I mean our hostel(:
A near to 5 hours journey back..
The best time for fatigued us to re-charge our energy, SLEEP!

And so, our wu dang shan trip ended like that,
A 2D1N journey.

Again, it's an eye-opener to visit the legendary mountain,
Full of martial arts elements in it.
Something that can't be found in Singaprore.

I have learnt many valuable lessons today.
Firstly, from the old granny,

I learnt the word PERSEVERANCEDespite the very cold and rainy weather,
not to mention the endless flights of very steep stairs,
She showed no fear at all.
Being a 18 years old teenager,
i already felt very miserable to climb all the way up to the summit.
Not to mention a 70plus years old lady.
Even when the rain starts to get heavier,
Temperature starts to drop lower,
Energy getting drained out bit by bit,
she still insisted to finish this climb.
All by herself.

We offered to carry her up,
because we really couldn't bear to see her suffer anymore.
she stopped to take a rest after every few minutes,

i could clearly hear her panting for breath.
However, she insisted to continue her journey without our help.
I guess she probably want to finish this all by herself,
if she were to borrow help from other people in order to finish the climb,
everything will become meaningless.

It's really touching to see her climbing up with the very strong determination.
and frankly speaking, i was very much motivated by her.
Even she can do it, why can't i?
Eventually, she managed to reach the summit.
I felt very happy for her.
Indeed, 世上无难事,只怕有心人.With determination, with perseverance,
Nothing is impossible.

Another valuable lesson i learnt today would be
to be contented with what i have.
Half way the journey,
our fellow friends helped an old man to carry his goods up the mountain.
He is about 70 plus years old.

He worked as a delivery man as a living.
I guess times are really hard for them.
Even a 70 plus years old man have to work.
I really couldn't imagine if we weren't here on this day,
how is he going to carry 100over kg of goods up the mountain?

I really felt ashamed of myself,
when i grumbled about how hard my life is,
and everything is not enough.
I should really start to learn to be contented of everything.
做人要知足常乐Only when we learnt how to be contented of everything,
we shall then understand the true meaning of happiness.

Finally, i learnt the importance of friends.
Without them, i would probably not able to reach the summit.
I would like to take this chance,
to specially thanks my team mates!
TEAM E!All of us helped each other during the climb.
When any of us slowed down due to the exhaustion,

the rest slowed down their pace too.
Some of us stopped and couldn't move on anymore.
This is when friends come in.
We helped to encourage each other.
Motivates each other.
My team mates never failed to stay beside me.
And together,

We reached the summit of the mountain.
The feeling was awesome when i reached the summit.
A sense of achievement i could say.
However, none is meaningful if my friends were not with me.

Now, i can proudly flaunt to my friends i have


Just like what one of the NE messages had been trying to tell us.
We have confidence in our future.
United, determined and well-prepared, we have what it takes to build a bright future for ourselves, and to progress together as one nation.
To climb the 武当山, we need to be united. With the help of our team mates. There's nothing to fear of.
To climb the 武当山, no doubt, we need lots of determination in order to reach the summit
To climb the 武当山, we need to be well prepared.
With the food and drinks and being mentally well-prepared,
reaching the summit would not be a problem