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Day 7 - Interactions with local students, Heartwarming moment

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:14 AM

(20th sept 2010) Hello people! We are going to have an interactions session with the local students here today! But we will be going only in the noon. So, we are going to have lesson first in the morning. This is how our class looks like.(:

After morning lesson, all of us went back to hostel, and prepare to set off to another WUST university. Of course, we are taking bus again.. and it's ard 1 hour journey ride..

Here we are, at 武汉科技大学 medical center

Awww..I really felt so welcome here..(:

Going to the laboratory..

We finally reach the laboratory, where all the specimens are here for medical students to their research and everything. The specimens here are mainly being cut up by the teacher. They are all real and are all for human anatomy purpose. Warning: Those who have small guts or are eating currently, you may want to skip the photos. Photos below can get quite disgusting. So, enjoy the pics den.(:

This is how ur foot looks like..

This poor baby have Hydroencephalitis (or hydrocephalus), whereby this is a condition where fluid builds up around the brain. It puts pressure on the brain, and without treatment, can cause brain damage and even death.

This baby is born without a brain..oh my gosh..

This is a specimen of 连体婴(conjoined twins) It's really very sad to see such things happen. I am really glad this doesn't happens to me. Just a little info about me for those who don't know me. My and my brother are twins (龙凤胎)

This shows the brain, spinal cord and it's capsule

Ovarian cancer.. The extraocular muscles This is how ur brain looks like The endocrine organs.. This specimen looks super real.

This is a real skull.. They coloured it so that the medical students can easily differentiate the different parts.
They are all the freshies of the university. All of them need to went through military style training for one year..This applies all the girls and guys..How sad! Luckily Singapore don't have such system

But i heard that their real army training is only 2 mths, while ours is 2 years.

Which one do u prefer? LOL

After exploring the laboratory, we were being guided to a classroom.. Where we received warm welcome from the local students.. See! They even stood up and applause for us..They are really friendly and warm(: All of us settling down.. One of the student doing presentation, introducing us about wuhan. She did the presentation using english! How sweet and thoughtful they are! They knew that our chinese are not that good, so they learned english specially just for us.. I can really feel their sincerity(: They may not speak english that well, truthfully speaking, i can't really understand what they are talking about.. They knew that their english aren't that good.. But still, they tried their very best to communicate with us in english.. We should really learn their spirit. 从不退缩,勇于学习! Now, it's our turn to present! We introduced about Singapore as well as our school.. And we presented it in mandarin instead.. That shows our sincerity too i guess(: Featuring Jamie, Zhen Zhao, Yu chuan, edward Trying hard to present in mandarin.. After our presentation..The local student prepared a special performance for us.. Two students prepared two english songs individually.. I guess they also specially prepared english songs just for us.. So thoughtful of them(: I can't rmbr the first song..=X The second song is "my love" by westlife. All of us sing together when the local student sang this song.. So it's a heartwarming moment(: Sorry that i didn't take photos of them.. I am too engrossed with their singing already... HAHAHA..okay la..the truth is i FORGOT to take pics of them..=X After their performance, they requested us to perform too.. It caught us by surprise because we totally did not prepare anything for them.. But still, our five brave guys decided to perform a chinese song "情非得已" They are not the only one singing..We are singing together with them!! I am also trying my very best to "sing", despite the fact that i couldn't..LOL One of the student even came up and sing with us..AWWW... So that's the end of our performance! *Clap* Clap* After receiving warm welcome from them and their special performance, they even gave us one moon cake each, because the next day would be Mid autumn festival After bidding goodbye to them, we went to visit their library. This is the speaker who is explaining to us about the library. A model of our campus...Look at where edward is pointing at.

This is our hostel Isn't it beautiful? (:

Finally, after touring the library, we had our dinner at their canteen.

Had a short dinner in their canteen, and we have to head back to our hostel. It was a long day for me... But i really enjoyed making friends with them.. Though the period is short, and we don't really have the chance to talk with them, But i can alr feel the connection between us(: After a long journey back, we are finally back to hostel. But our days doesn't ends here! It's Diyanah birthday today!!! We gave her a little birthday surprise. Everyone gathered together including Mr chia, and we will knock on diyanah's room door. And when she opened the door.. TADAHH! We are all waiting outside with the cake! All of us squeezed inside her room... We chatted and laughed and have lots of fun.. I guess it wasn't that bad to celebrate ur birthday overseas.. Happy birhday DIYANAH!!!=D (Sorry, no pics are posted during the celebration..=X) Shall end here then.. Take care people! XOXO, Agnes.L