Wuhan here i come.
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Day 5 - Shopping, with our new friends

Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:17 AM

Hello people! Sorry for not able to post yesterday. I was too tired and i fell asleep. It was a long but fulfilling day. So now, i will post about the happenings yesterday alright(: I woke up earlier abit, because i mixed up the timingT.T (Don't have enough sleep already still wake up earlier) So all of us gathered below our hostel at around 10.30am. But our dear nicholas and Yuchuan are late! So we ended waiting for them for another half an hour. Waiting for everyone to gather

Fully utilize the waiting time, take a group photo

Both yuchuan and nicholas are finally done, and we can finally set off to bus stop. We are going to take a bus ride to shopping mall near 步行街(Bu Xing Jie).. I realised that i did not post much details about wuhan in my previous post, So here's some info aboout our current situation. The weather is super hot and humid in wuhan currently. It even hit 36degress yesterday. Can you imagine that?! The weather is worse than Singapore. Wondering why it can still be that hot, even though now is the autumn season? Here's some fact to explain this. Everytime when the autumn come, there will be one period where the weather will become super hot and humid. The locals called it the autumn's tiger(秋老虎) and it happens every year around this period! The locals said the temperature will drop by this tues.. Let's pray together! Anyway, the air are quite polluted here. If i were to compare between here and malaysia, i think the air pollution here is worse than malaysia.=X So, back to my journey.. We waited for the bus for awhile before we board the bus. It cost 2yuan for each person(no matter how far your distance is) So good right? just pay one standard price. I realised that the local here are not so polite. They don't say "excuse me", or "对不起,请让一让"... instead, they will push their way through. I don't blame them. They are probably being brought up like this, Since most of the locals behave this way. Oh ya, do remember to prepare 2yuan in advance before boarding the bus. We have to board the bus quickly bcause the bus driver will not wait for you. Same goes to when alighting the bus, if you are slower, You will most probably get hit by the door.. The bus doe not have the alighting bell, so, they will stop every stops. Very different from Singapore huh.

A view taken from out side our bus. Looks nice? Misty and cooling? Can you see there's a very faint buildings outline? They are not fog/mist..It's actually caused by air pollution. See how serious it is!! OMGG

Inside the bus..

My groupmates(Eliza, michelle, me)

So after around 40mins, we reached the shopping mall, and shopped for like 4 hours! The shopping mall is like far east(Singapore) Tt's how i feel about it. We tried the food here and spent few hundresds for shopping...T.T I'll be posting lots of pictures..(maybe not that many), So enjoy people!

We saw this kid while on the way to shopping mall.. So young already have to come out and earn money.. How fortunate are we.. And dont forget how hot and humid the weather is.!

China's Far East.LOL (Anyhow XP)

The pudding milk tea is super nice!

Shrimp with meat tang bao(汤包) Super nice also!(:

Me eating the 汤包

See the meat stick i am holding? It's mongolian meat..(蒙古肉串) Not bad, but abit too oily..

Smelly tofu!(臭豆腐) NOT smelly at all.. But it's nice! =D

Sorry, i don't have pics on my shopping items.=S After shopping, everyone gathered together again. The local students brought us around to explore the place. This is the 步行街(Bu Xing Jie)

Me! (sorry nich)

Me agaiinn..(Sorry houngsheng)

It's still me..Finally a pic without my friends behind me=X

You wouldn't be able to see this in Singapore..(I guessed)=X

One of the place the local student brought us to

Me and zi peng(local student)

Jump shots!! Failed ones & successful ones..ALL POSTED!

Pointing to the moon!

What is HanHui shooting at?

The balloons! HAHA..神射手

Now it's time for us to take the boat to 户部巷(Hu Bu Xiang)


Our tickets

The waiting area..This place is smelly..=/
Waiting patiently... Our group!(Inside the boat)
See! The teddy bear need one seat! Waah..
So we got no place to sit now)

Restaurant on the boat.

Mistakes spotted on the guide of wishing lanterns (Their english) Confirm copy paste google translate

Finally, we reached 户部巷..I am so hungry!

One whole streets full of foods

Eating 汤包again..LOL

Scallop with Dong fen..NICE!!

Dunno what's that..LOL..Yuchuan bought it I don't really like it.=X HAHA..Took this down because the name is funny.. Honey pervert chicken wing(direct translate) After eating..We went to take bus and head straight back to the hostel. Everyone was very tired. Alright, It's 2.58am now.. And i still got lesson early in the morning..OMGGGG I need to slp now..or esle i willl look like zombie. So goodnight people! XOXO, Agnes.L