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Day 30 - No more lesson, Time for hair-do!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:06 PM

(13th Oct 2010)
It's finally our very last lesson for this wuhan trip.
I am so going to miss our classroom..
as well as the water dispenser behind our class=S

Last day of lesson,
It's time to pamper ourselves.
Time to head for the salon!

I knew i did rebonding previously,
but now, i am going to dye my hair\o/
Now that i mentioned i did rebonding previously,
i am actually quite disappointed with the results of it.
My hair are totally not straight.
Boo Hoo Hoo):

Dye-ing hair is process!
 This is the final result(:
 As i said, we are going to pamper ourselves,
i decided to head to greenery cafe for one last time,
and enjoy their yummy steaks!!!
 OMG..I am already drooling now..

It's really very sad to hear that today is our last day of lesson.
It means the day we are going to depart from wuhan is really nearing.
For now, i am going to miss my classroom.
The one that are filled with 5 weeks of our memories.
Also, i am going to miss the times,
where i had my lessons with my wuhan peeps.
Love you guys!
I shall end my post here.
Take care people!



Day 29 - Performance night, With 100 over people. OMG!

1:36 PM

(12th Oct 2010)With no lessons today,
we got more time to do our final practice for our dance now.
We have to polish up our dance now..
Clean all the dance steps!

But before this, we got to do our final presentation!

Team E!

 After presentation,
We all went for lunch together.
lunch with only Team E!

After lunch, it's time to practice our dance.
The girls dance as well as our own grp dance.
"Nobody" and " Reach out for the sky"
The performance night starts at 7pm.
This means we only got few hours to practice.
Busy day for us!

As the sun starts to set,
we were all ready to head to the venue of performance night.

Look at the crowd!
Most of them are the year 1 of the wust students.
Not only us are invited to perform,
the seniors of wust,
would have to perform too..

I am getting nervous already!

 Look at the snacks they have prepared for us!
 Time check: 7.20pm

Let's get the party started!

Opening for the performance night.
5 ladies from wust with their fan dance
 Next up, Team A doing their cultural peformance.
 One of the student singing "Take a bow"
She can really sing! AMAZING!
 The sixth item: Nobody dance by the girls.

It's finally the time we show our results from numerous practices,
it's really frightening to go up the stage and perform infront of 100 over people.
Girls Power!!!
 I want nobody nobody but you!

 Now it's time for team C to perform.
A puppet show
 Performance by LSCT peeps!!
A skit with dance and music..
 Finally, it's time for Team E to perform.
We did introduction of our song first.
 Singer: Eliza
Dancers: Eudora,HS,Mich,Me!
 Let's reach out for the sky yo!
 Team D sang "Home", "我的家"
And we are all invited up the stage to sing with that.
How heartwarming is that!

Around 9.30pm, our performance night ended.
Everyone starts to head back to the hostel.

It's been a great night today.
We finally performed and show all our hard works to the audience.
No more arranging for dance practice!
Although there are mistakes here and there during the performance,
we did finish the whole dance.
Our effort and hard work are not wasted.

Thank you girls for spending your time practicing the "Nobody" dance!
Thank you Team E for spending your time practicing our dance too!



Day 28 - Team building, Final week count down

11:24 AM

(11th Oct 2010)

It's monday!
Our final week in wuhan..

I am still suffering from fatigue and muscle ache on my calves.
It's really miserable when climbing up and down the stairs.

Oh well, it shows that i did exercise!!YAY!!
Our dear lecturers were kind enough to cancel the morning lesson,
this allow us to have more time to rest.

Todays lesson is going to conduct in a interacive manner.
 it's time for team building,
and understand what's call teamwork.

Task: Build a paper bridge and ensure it is strong enough to hold 5 books.
We are all provided with papers and paper clips.
All of us were given around 45 mins.

And the time starts now!!!

All of us concentrating on building a strong and steady paper bridge

 Here's our final product~!
 Now, it's time to put our paper bridge for a test
 First book, CLEAR
 Second book, CLEAR
 Third book, CLEAR
 Fourth book, CLEAR
We did not managed to put the fifth book..
Sad to say, other teams managed to clear their fifth book.

Our final results:
Length of bridge = 30cm
No.of paper clips used = 19
No.of papers used = 21
No.of books = 4

Even though we did not managed to pass through the fifth book,
we are the only group who used the fewest number of papers and paper clips.
Other groups used 30 over papers and 20over paper clips.
So, i could say, i am already very proud of my team!After the lesson, the girls went back to the hostel,
and get ready for the final practice,
for tomorrow's performance.
We are going to do a nobody dance for 100 over local students!It's really amazing that we are already in wuhan for 1 month.

Not long ago, i am still worried about living in a foreign place for such a long time,
Now, i am already living in a foreign place for 1 month.
i am already so used to my life in wuhan.
Wake up in the morning, go to school, eat with my friends..
Do my own laundry..
Even though i have to do everything on my own here,

I enjoyed doing it, with my friends.
From now onwards,
i am going to enjoy every single moment i have in wuhan.

Today's lesson allows me to enjoy more time with my team mates.
We cracked our brain together,
Cooperate well enough,

and finally able to build a paper bridge together.

It's okay that we did not managed to build the strongest bridge in the end,

what matters is we did this together.
Outcome doesn't matter,
is the process that makes everything meaningful.

That's what i call, teamwork.

Tomorrow is our performance day.
It's time to party!
Until then,
Take care people!
