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Day 22 - Us together, Girls get their hair done!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 10:59 AM

(5th oct 2010)

Hello people!
The rest of the girls are getting their hair done today!
Yesterday asked them whether they want do their hair together,
all don't want.. Now everyone want to do their hair..>:(
Before this, we had a group photo infront of our campus.

Mr chia suggested a random photo taking session..
Because he realised we haven't take one group photo in campus,
and we're already in our second last week..LOL
 Somehow, looking at this pictures brings back all the memoris i had for the past 3 weeks..
We are already here for 3 weeks.. Look at the bond within this picture..
And compare with this picture taken on day 1
I guess the bond is obvious enough..
 Less awkwardness, more closeness.. That's friends!

Alright, back to the hair topic..
Yixian, eliz and michelle dyed their hair, Jiali and brenda did their hair treatment..
Everyone got their hair done..
Next stop..Manicure? LOLL!
 I am going to treasure every moment now..
With them, with my friends..
I love u guys!(:
Goodnight people!
XOXO, Agnes.L