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Day 21 - Test):, Hairdo day!(:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 9:54 AM

(4th Oct 2010)
Hello People!
It's monday again... Time flies so quickly..
FYI for everyone: We are already entering our second last week of OIP trip):
I am not sure whether i should feel happy that i can go home soon..
 or i should feel sad for that fact that i am going to leave wuhan soon..
I am sure i will miss the stuffs here..
The cheap and good food..
 The cheap clothings..
The nice and friendly people here..
oh well, it's a little too soon to talk about this..
Up till this moment,
i am already used to everything here..
There's still lots more places in wuhan for me to explore.. delicious food for me to try..
Anyway, i think i should get back to my topic..
Yeapp! It's finally a hairdo day~!
(For girls only=X)
But before this..I had test this morning): Sad to say, It didn't went well..
I did not manage to finish the paper.. I guess i am not the only one though..
Here's a picture of the killer paper

Actually, the paper should be fine if only we have more time..
Time is all we need.. But is always not enough for us..

Enough of test!

Today, there's only 3 girls doing their hair..
That includes me, weilin and eudora..
both me and weilin are doing rebonding..
Eudora would be doing her hair treatment..
 We went to the hair salon along 堕落街.
It's a two storey hair salon..
Almost all the hair dressers are male.. Felt a little shy when i went in=X
My rebonding session is only 1 hour plus..
Amazingly fast right? While doing our hair..
We made friends with the staffs there. Once again..
We became the center of attraction..
Spotlight always shine on us whenever we starts to speak in english..
People will start asking where we come from..
Come wuhan for what.. Blah blah blah..
The staffs here are very friendly..
We even joked around..
asked them to teach us some of their dialects...
I realised that the local people have that strange curiousity traits in them..
Wherever we go, people will ask where we come from..
Or even start guessing where we come from..
A few even guessed we came from korea..=X
Questions after questions.. We always ends up making friends with the locals without fail..
Here's a photo of us with our hair done!(:
Anyway, i did my hair for 209RMB!
The usual price is 500plus RMB..
 And the person gave a more than 60% discount?!!
So much until i am starting to doubt them alr.. =X
209RMB which is 40plus sing dollar, is a price you will never get for rebonding in singapore..
Unless you know the hairdresser la!
Surprisingly, when we did rebonding..
the staffs told us they know doing rebonding in singapore is very expensive..
Apparently, they did some research before we come..
I guess that pretty show how popular singapore is..
People here do know alittle about singapore..
 Alright..I shall stop here..
 Good night people!