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Day 8 - Just a normal day

Thursday, September 23, 2010 5:41 PM

(21th sept 2010) Hello people! HAHA.. I don't know what to put for my blog tittle.. Pardon me for that stupid blog tittle. Anyway, this gonna be a short sweet post only.. Nothing happened much today.. We doing the same routine as usual.. Woke up in the morning.. Went for morning lesson. Lunch.. Then afternoon lesson.. At around late afternoon time, Ard 10 over people went for jogging.. Of course..I am not part of it.=X I hate running more than dancing .. So i stayed in the hostel instead. And i found someone who hate running more than dancing too! LOL..EUDORA!! HAHA..so i fully made use of the time and teach her "nobody dance" FYI - The girls are going to dance this song at the 5th week, For everyone, including the locals. I had tomato egg with rice for dinner again! The tomato egg is super nice! (It doesn't looks nice here though) It's from a restaurant called 宁蒙乐..U can find this along the street behind our hostel

So that basically ends my day today.. Take care then! XOXO, Agnes.L