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Day 2 - Explore, Adventure, Not a good day

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:03 PM

Hello people, If you are asking why it's not a good day for me. You should probably think how can it ever be a good day for a sick person Yeah..i am still sick..T.T (Actually other than losing my voice, i am perfectly fine) (Tt's why i get so damn bored when i am told to rest)
So, we woke up early in the morning.. I am glad at least the bed is comfy.. Here's a pic of my comfy bed (with my own bed sheet and pillow case)

We had MacDonals for breakfast in our room T.T..of course i couldn't eat tt.. So i had the corn(From Mac)instead. Then i ate my medicine. After all the preparation, We all gathered outside of our hostel at around 10am The local students and teachers showed us around the school, It's quite a splendid experience to tour around their school. It's really different from polytechnics Girls are staying at the second floor, so this is the stairs we need to climb up and down every day

The corridor outside our room

The main entrance to our hostel

Outside of the hostel

Now, we're all ready to go tour around the school (see how happy zhenzhao is)

Walking the long long path..enjoying the scenery

Oh, Here's their clinic!

Look at the long queue! OMG

Interesting sign..Do not Horn!

This is the place we are going to study at

Scenery outside taken from inside the building.. (Notice the fog/mist? Tt's actually caused by air pollution) No wonder my throat can't recover! >:(

This is our classroom corridor The staff room (English department) Our classroom! The chair is better polytechnic's chairs. That's our class room unit no The local students are having their lesson This is their canteen..Something like our canteen 3 & 4=X The local students having their meals.. And i realised they are using metal bowl and plate to hold their food..

Small small us..Tall tall building

After touring around the school, the local students lead us to the supermarket. Bought some daily necessities there.. Cup noodles,water,tissue paper, toilet paper etc... So sorry that no pictures are taken during our trip to supermarket. Wasn't really feeling well at that point. I promise to take pics during my second trip(: After buying all the stuffs we want, it's time for lunch! \o/

This is the restaurant we are eating(:

Inside the restaurant First spelling mistake spotted! The Dessert menu See the red colour button? Press that button if you want to order dessert! My Unagi ramen! (Finally a decent meal) Picture of me eating.

The ramen is nice, but the unagi is seriously saltish..But still i ate everything up.. (unagi is expensive leh)=X

After eating, we went back to our hostel.. Slacked there.. I had cup noodles for dinner.. Unhealthy i know..But the food outside are equally unhealthy i guess.. Took medicine after that.. My room mates left to buy other necessities and i stayed back to rest. At around 7pm plus, the girls gathered to practice "nobody" dance We will be doing performance for the local students. Taught the girls around half of the song.. It's alittle messy for now, But it's okay, there are still some time for us. Have to special thanks shiling here for assisting me. Thanks for speaking on my behalf instead^^ We ended the dance practice at around 9pm plus. Went back to our room, and took turns to bathe.. Tt's about all.. Sorry for only posting my 2nd day trip today, Which is supposed to be the 3rd day.. Just bear with it kay.. Hopefully my voice will be back soon too.. Anticipate for my 3rd post alright! Goodbye people. XOXO, Agnes.L