Wuhan here i come.
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Day 1 - Bye bye Singapore, Hello Wuhan

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:17 AM

Finally the day we are all waiting for has come. Still not really ready yet for this trip.. I have just recovered from my fever but my cough is still there.. And now, i am losing my voice.. Here i am sitting down on my bed doing a blog post at this crazy hour again. 3.35am.. And we need to gather at 9am for breakfast. (I heard that our breakfast would be MacDonald..OMGT.T) It has been a long trip for us to finally reach our destination. Before we arrived at our hoste, i am quite excited to see how our rooms look like. Hmm, i shall not comment much about the room. But to my surprised, the mattress and blanket were actually quite thick and clean. Not as bad as we thought. We have our own desk and stool and of course our very own bed. The toilet is reasonably clean, even though i dislike the squatting style toilet(u should know what i mean) Pictures of our room (Me,Jamie,Joanna) Our Room No.

Tt's the gate to be closed at night Welcome to our room(: Our individual desk Our toilet...

Anyway, i should do a flashback till when i was still at home before heading to Changi airport.. As usual, all of us were rushing, to ensure we can reach by 11am at Changi.Oh btw, my mum and my sis were sending me off to Changi, so naturally “all of us” refers to them.

So, when we reached Changi airport, we waited for like 1hour? Or more? Can’t really remember.
Finally after checking in, i ate alittle with my mum, sis and edward before boarding the plane.
When it's time for us to bid goodbye to my mum and sis,
I hugged them before we enter the fate (i shall just assume it's a gate)
A heartwarming one..
I guess this is the first time I hugged them? Hmm.. Well, I am going away to a foreign country for 5 weeks.. For the first time without them and that long.. So I deserved those hugs right? (:
Some pictures taken before boarding the plane.(Selected one only)

LiangXun(: Yuchuan & Zhen Zhao aka. gay partners (Picture of the day)

My sis, me and my mum

Afterwards we board the planes and do all the regular stuffs.

Eat the food, chit chat with friends.

And the fact that I’m losing my voice and consistently keep on coughing,

It’s really getting on my nerves.

I am getting really bored after an hour or so,

And I decided to play monopoly deal with my friends..

HAHA..In such a squeezy place.

During the flight..

The meat is super cold..Out of everything i only like the prawn..But it makes me thought of 4bia (thai horror movie)

Finally, we reached Guang Zhou where we are going to do transit to another plane at around 5plusDue to the flight delay, we were held back till 9plus? OMGGG Waste my freaking time.

Our plane landed here

This is the bus that picked us up

"everybody come get in already~"

Insid the bus

And we got off the bus(:

We had MacDonals at the airport first.

And so, we finally board the plane at Guang Zhou to Wuhan After much waiting time But at least there's internet connection at the waiting area(: The waiting area Us, patiently waiting for plane We reached Wuhan at around 11 plus..

Finally arrived at wuhan~ Picked up by Alicia hock(:

Walking out~ That's our luggage bus..(meaning bus for luggage) Look at how our macho guys put the luggage into the bus Off we go, a 1 hour plus long journey to our hostel. At last we reached our room at 1am plus..GOSH

i shall stop my post here.. I think my condition is getting worse. And i officially lost my voice totally. I hope tomorrow my voice will come back.. I kind of miss my normal voice already): PS: I did this post on the first day but i posted this only now. So the date and time will not be the same. I shall go pray to god now and slp. Good night ppl. XOXO, Agnes.L